The stone, in short, means coin. As in other cryptocurrencies, it manages to create a balanced price line, and the processing speed is high. Stone: This is a digital currency that is activated and decentralized through the execution of private and fast transactions and has a very large exchange rate. The money earned by DASH is related to the speed and use of the InstantSend and PrivateSend protocols used to transfer assets. I can say that it took about 2.6 minutes to create a block, a wonderful and fascinating feature. The rock depends on the use of the main nodes in the chain. Among the experts working in the chain of stone nodes, the DAO, which has a DA fund, forms a joint team. In my opinion, fast, reliable and private operators are not more centralized than all cryptocurrencies, and mass adoption strategies can add value. Currently, stone has also found its place among 15 cryptocurrencies. Dash follows a self-sufficient ideology and can say that it will be widely used.