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Review on DigiByte by john mitchele

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Overall, Digibyte is best-decentralized cryptocurrency which main aims to fix…

Overall, Digibyte is best-decentralized cryptocurrency which main aims to fix scalability of the block by their DigiSpeed protocols which causes decrease the block time and increase the block size. and there are very few drawbacks of Digibyte project, one of them like lack of social media.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
well, digibyte project is running very best on its current blockchain but team of digibyte should active bacause if we check digibyte social media then there are no updates on future plans, partnerships and development.

  • Digibyte is the decentralized cybersecurity for transactions of digital payments and decentralized application. Digibyte transaction speed is very fast as compared to another cryptocurrency and the fees for the transaction are also too low as well. Digibyte main aim to fix the issue of scalability of blockchain ( which occurs in all blockchain ) with DigiSpeed protocols. Digispeed protocols extend the block size and decrease block time.
  • There are not any major problems but some minor problems like Digibyte team are not very active. Many people or traders, which works in cryptomarket are unknown by Digibyte as their team not do publicity of Digibyte.

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