I'm unbiased on this project. I don't perceive any significant defects with it, but at the same time I'm not sold on its legitimacy over different coins. The multi-algo approach appears to be an inventive method to guarantee decentralization since just 20% of blocks can be mined under every calculation. It's consoling that It can't be taken over by ASIC miners.
Nonetheless, It has been in presence for around six years and I'm quite recently finding out about it. For what reason doesn't this coin have more publicity or a more vocal network? Coins need additionally showcasing and PR to break the entirety of the clamor and get reception.
How might It improve? By better advertising.
They never had an ICO so they botched an enormous chance to spread the news. At the present time, I'm not keen on putting resources into this since I don't figure the cost will move much sooner rather than later. Be that as it may, I will watch out for it for the future since it's innovation appears to be sound.