Digibyte is a PoW UTXO Blockchain that supports issuing Digiassets (analogue of ERC20)
Maximum Scalability (PoW with one of the highest TPS capacity 500-1000 tx per second and increasing)
Maximum Decentralization (Multi-Algo, eliminating easy 51% attacks)
Maximum Security (Multi-Digi-Shield, real time difficulty adjustment algorithm)
Maximum Speed (UTXO PoW Blockchain with the fastest Block Time confirmation of 15 sec.)
PoW UTXO Blockchain with the lowest fees.
7 years in top 100 cryptocurrencies list on Coinmarketcap
Zero downtime and zero successfull 51% attacks.
Easy to issue Digiassets, based on a very safe Digibyte Blockchain platform, low fees, high security, massive scalability.
Digi-id and DigiPassword, easy and fast login into services, and websites without the need to remember passowrds. Easy to implement on any website.
Undervalued, Underpromising and Overdelievering.
Fixed maximum supply at 21 billion DGB.
Mineable since the first block, with rewards reducing by 1% each month.
No CEO, no premine, no presale, gradual growth and adoption by people.