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Review on Dogecoin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 3 out of 5

It does not have many uses. was created to make a new crypto I'm not a very…

It does not have many uses. was created to make a new crypto I'm not a very follower of doge


Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4
One of the biggest events in recent months is that it is listed in binance.
Among the features that make it peculiarly interesting, is that its transactions are still fast and cheap.
* Compatible and official wallets really easy to use, offering full support for new users.
* It has a really active community, always there will be any user to answer your questions.
* Generally this cryptocurrency is used to make micropayments for tips, bots, or payment for some jobs to users on the internet.
Dogecoin is the preferred asset for thousands of people for online payments, that has maintained its stability of price and growth.


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
-It seems to be stuck in its development and application.
-Mobile wallet without updates and with multiple reports about problems with synchronization, you should be careful when sending funds there you can lose them.
-Your github page shows movements in your code development.
Cryptocurrency without technical or development details however many people trust this project.


Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
This is one of the cryptocurrencies that has given the most talk in recent months, especially due to its recent price exploration, and its great support for Elon.
The good; The first investors saw their capital multiplied, especially the first users who supported Doge. Now many millionaires related to the increase in value.
The regular: Its value may not be supported since most analysts say that it is a large empty bubble about to explode. (however it is the community and the Holders that decide everything)
The Bad: The current market is unstable and Doge may be a really hard hit if the bear market continues.
In general everyone decides when it is a good time or not to invest, Doge is a risky asset but with a great community.


  • The transfer time and fees are cheap and faster compared to others. because it is based on litecoin it can be mined in the same way
  • there is an unlimited amount of doges which makes the price always tend to go down. and makes the developers can have the amount of doges they want to take

Comments (2)

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September 27, 2021
Dogecoin is an informational cryptographic project that may provide quite satisfactory functionality in the future. Be sure to add some fresh information when you update your personal review, and as I said, I would be very happy if you could correct the missing information. Thank you for sharing your personal information. Believe it or not, the features you mentioned are actually pretty accurate, and thanks for that.
December 29, 2019
the way this coin came out, nobody thought it would go that far despite being stagnant at an almost stable price

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