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Danh Huỳnh Ngọc Công photo
1 Level
167 Review
416.5 Karma

Review on Dogecoin by Danh Huỳnh Ngọc Công

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Dogecoin is one of the very first cryptocurrencies of the world. Being a hard…

Dogecoin is one of the very first cryptocurrencies of the world. Being a hard fork of Bitcoin, Dogecoin has many impressive improvements such as faster confirmation times, lower fees, anonymity and cute mascot. The main drawbacks of it are that the head developers have quit the development of the project, ROI for mining this coin is not attractive anymore and the supply is unlimited

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Positive point: Thanks to the tremendous support from the community, Dogecoin is listed on various exchanges including Binance making the coin volume much healthier

  • - Fast confirmation time - Low transaction fees - Friendly and devoted community - Cute mascot
  • - The father of the project has left - Mining is not profitable - Unlimited supply

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