Hello everyone, today I will share with you my experience gained when using DXdao. I advise you to read it carefully until the end.
DXdao is an organization that wants to develop DeFi (decentralized finance) products established in a decentralized organizational model.
DXdao was launched by Gnosis based on DAO Stack, and after that, DeFi started developing products.
Crypto currency crypto currency and this has DXdao by the name of DXD on September 2020 rose to $ 467, and for that reason, most investors and has invested DxD to 1000% with a profit rate of operations they did, and I was among these investors, but because I had much trust DxD merkeziyetsiz organization, because it is controlled by any company edilimiyo was safe. For this reason, even if we trade with very high profit rates, most investors did not invest in DxD because they found it unsafe.
DXdao is a very new project, but since the company's budget is 144 million dollars, they can refund their users in case of any hack, and investors who want to use DXD in this aspect began to buy DXD early, and I think I will buy DXD as soon as possible, because I think Dxdao is a reliable project.
I couldn't gather much information about DXdao because the company opened 1 year ago and they couldn't fully explain their goals. For this reason, as investors, we do not have any information about DXdao can not say much. In addition, there are investors who invest in Dxdao, but I do not know what to do in this case.
In addition, I will say: I think DXdao is a reliable project, but it has not yet been found reliable by many companies because they cannot properly tell people about themselves, but many cryptocurrency investors find Dxdao reliable. Also, I find Dxdao reliable and I think it will be valued more in the future.
Finally, if you want to use DxD, Dxdao's cryptocurrency, it is currently listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, but it is listed on low-budget cryptocurrency exchanges. If you want to invest, I suggest you investigate a little more.