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12 Review
10 Karma

Review on EOS by divya sharma

Revainrating 4 out of 5

EOS is GREAT AND PROMISING project with long term objectives.. also every…

EOS is GREAT AND PROMISING project with long term objectives.. also every project is trying to do something different and the great thing.its a great blockchain depended crypto currency which in future surely reach to their success ....success is no so far.amazing project.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
EOS project is good and working but main problem that every users complaining that creating EOS wallet is charge fees. so, creating multiple addresses is quite expensive.


  • EOS is really an awesome project with ranking of 5th in market cap..also a good crypto-currency whose system adopts the decenratlized blockchain. they are faster , access is free to users and besically cheaper to run and gets finalized in short period .overall its an excellent and awesome project..
  • EOS speed should need to increase ..it doesnt look like decentralized exchange..

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