Fanaticos Cash (FCH), is developed as an ecosystem for the adoption of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, gambling, entertainment, mining and access marketing services, this project provides a variety of services from its ecosystem and self-developed blockchain network, ensuring that users can create marketing strategies and reach a larger community, as well as its ecosystem is based for profit and obtain tokens. Fanaticos Cash, is a platform that has a variety of integrations, ensuring a good participation of users of the community, lottery systems, betting, platforms for Staking, ensures easy to use tools to develop marketing strategies, also has faucet systems and easy participation events, thus allowing to generate passive income, perform good mining tasks, work in the network and get rewarded, this ecosystem has good integration of blockchain technology and algorithmic technologies PoS and PoW, which ensures easy extraction of its native token securely. Fanaticos Cash (FCH), is the digital asset for the operation of the financial system within the ecosystem, this is the token to perform transactions, obtain incentives, perform mining tasks, to access passive income, likewise, it guarantees to perform trade from a popular exchange platform, has its own network, is fast transactions and operates in the lottery system of the ecosystem.