Hello everyone, today we shall be discussing about the new upcoming platform fujicoin. The project fujicoin is said to be a cryptocurrency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to any user in the world. Fujicoin is an open global payment network that is fully decentralized, confirmation time is ten times faster than bitcoin, making it reliable for time critical transaction and users don't have to worry about transaction congestion. Mathematics secured the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances with substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, fujicoin is a proven medium of commerce complentary to bitcoin and litecoin
This platform features more faster transaction confirmation times, and it's transaction are pooled together in the blockchain, making them anonymous from the wallet like other platforms. I believe that it's necessary to allocate a few decades to fujicoin in order for it to spread for and wide throughout the world, this platform is not a cryptocurrency made for speculative purposes, rather their goal is to enable people around the world to use fujicoin on a daily basis. It also ensure that the spread of the cryptocurrency also follows the s-curve
In order to stabilize it's value, it should be supplied in accordance with the degree of distribution (demand). Due to the relatively small size of the development also commit directly to the repo often, anyone is allowed to contribute though and useful pull request will always be accepted given various obvious stipulations regarding stability. Therefore, fujicoin is designed to ensure that the degree of distribution should be much and due to the relatively small size of the development team, developers also commit directly to the repo
In my research, it is said that fujicoin is a fork of bitcoin, and best coin intended fair distribution and to improve usability. Transaction capacity is ten times larger than the trugnal bitcoin; user's don't have to worry about transaction congestion