The reason for composing this review on GramGold Coin is that there are still many investors who are trying to buy GGC, but I would say don't even try to buy GGC. There are many scams in the crypto space where you can lose your money. Take it for granted that GramGold Coin is already dead.
The project has lost its validity and has no potential, as you know GGC has been delisted from all exchanges and given the current status of the project I'm sure GGC will not be listed on any other exchange in the future.
As you can see in the screenshot that I added, the kucoin exchange has delisted GGC. This is to make sure that the project has no more potential, because kucoin delists those projects that run out of potential or whose coin trading volume decreases.
So be careful because there are some scammers in the telegram that show the temptation of buying and selling GGC.