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169 Karma

Review on ICE ROCK MINING by Mr Benji

Revainrating 1 out of 5

Crypto mining hide in mountains (Kazakhstan) The temperature there is about 10…

Crypto mining hide in mountains (Kazakhstan) The temperature there is about 10 C whole year and combined that with low energy cost about 0.03S/kWh. People can make lifelong contract. ROCK2 tokens during ico the price was set 1USD 1 TOKEN. One of the project that was hyped during the ico madness but right now is bleeding and nobody knows about it the project was ballsy and maybe could work if the founders were more dedicated and not just hunting free money

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 2 to 1
I have never trusted these mining project where you can buy a share in a mining company since they can be very shady unless you are not directly with the team I don't recommend you invest in such a project this is the perfect example the price goes down more profitable for them was to run away and sell all stuff

  • + Very good idea and execution + Back in the days community was active + Not big of an investment
  • - Kazakstan crypto no regulated