JustLiuidity was merged with an Uniswap Exchange and was described as a liquidity convention for liquidity providers, as well as a JUL token holder with excellent cash and liquidity engine.
To the question of what does justice do now that does not compare to other liquidity pools? According to data provided by the company, JUL customers only hold ETH, and interest-bearing projects make their mark for customers. can be answered
- The interest paid on a daily basis depends on the net value of the customer's loan in ETH.
JustLiquidity has given all the liquidity in the Uniswap trade to the creators of the ETH coin, the creators of the ETH coin to make the liquidity available to buyers or buyers. In addition, JustLiquidity has enabled customers to purchase and sell JULb through a computer-generated animation by NFT.
Another emergency aid from JustLiquidity is a computerized wallet that can be used to trade cryptographic forms of money that can be accessed in a particular notebook in another blockchain that is not like a coin. At this stage there is a working help and component that allows DeFi to overcome the traditional monetary system.