Maya Preferred 223 also known as MAPR which was co-founded by James Dahlke is an ERC 23 token that was built on the Ethereum Classic blockchain platform. It was launched by U. K. Financial Ltd. MAPR is a stablecoin whose unit is worth around USD 34,000. This financial worth of assets is in gold and silver. It is most likely to be the first crypto to be accepted as a means of exchange by merchants and retail stores.
The charges associated with transactions with Maya is very minute compared with fees charged by Visa, Mastercard, and Western Union. The token currently trades on 5 active markets.
The main reason for the introduction of ERC 23 tokens which was introduced in March 2018, is because of the issues with ERC 20 tokens such as heavy network traffic and high transaction or gas fees. It has better security features compared to ERC20. These features puts ERC23 tokens in the pole position to replace ERC20 tokens