Investment ecosystem developed on the ethereum blockchain, assets can be managed safely and adaptable to the required business.
-In terms of its use, it is really simple compared to any investment product, according to my personal experience with this protocol, the process to connect to the network is extremely versatile since the most used wallets to date can be used, such as trust , metamask, etc.
-If you want to be a venture capital manager, Melon offers all its infrastructure.
-The funds are backed by the contracts formed between the parties, however the capital goes to the custody of the operators of the purchased shares.
-This project does not represent a classic Defi designed to add capital to the mining pool.
Now, to control that capital is always safe from possible errors and people who can use this ecosystem for fraudulent purposes, there are rules that each investment manager must comply with.
In general, this Defi can be seen as a platform for buying and selling securities that are backed by different digital assets, in each of the investment funds represented by shares that generate financing interest.