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Review on Monero by guru singh

Revainrating 3 out of 5

monero all over a great coin fast transaction , much secure and good privacy…

monero all over a great coin fast transaction , much secure and good privacy based coin.also good stand in market,.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 3
Currently Monero project has many bugs which they disclosed like Bug Allowing XMR to Be Stolen From Exchanges and some fake XMR mining bugs.


  • monero is the good choice for the users who want fix and pure security . because it is the most safest cryptocurrency. no one can track them. otherwise the monero is good coin having great volume in market and decentralized fast and much secure..
  • cons are like monero is not much developed , also mining is hard to do. and due to its positive point that itis much secure that can be the bad point because missuse of this coin can be done very easily.

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