Project is amining to create a token for a music creators all the end to the…
Project is amining to create a token for a music creators all the end to the end users. Music creators will receive money without any 3rd party. Copyright is build in the system and everything is transparent. Music streaming is for free however using some other services requires native token. people can also tip the creator. Project is working in p2p network based on IPFS (inter planetary five system). For platform need they build special smart contract named Pay Per Play.
Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4
- listed on Exchange-Assets
- Musicoin Blockchain Upgrades to V3.0
- Block reward reduce to one fifth
- MUSICOIN Mobile now supports in-App purchase of MUSIC
+ Very interesting project
+ Good whitepaper
+ Good internet web page
+ Can be good long term gem
+ Very active in social media
+ Good roadmap
- Lot of others projects trying to get into the same space
- No real exchanges
- volume
- Can be just too hard to execute in current market