NEM is therefore a programming platform that allows anyone to come and program a smart-asset. Scalability is one of the major advantages of the NEM platform which can manage up to 100 transactions per second against 15 transactions per second on the Ethereum platform.
A smart-asset can be a currency, a stock, a bond or many other things. In fact, if you want to create a financial instrument that does not yet exist, with characteristics imagined by you ... well, you can do so thanks to the NEM network. You can create a new asset category (mosaic dataset) in which many assets can be created. I'll give you the example of a financial product, but a Smart-Asset may be a document or a contract (insurance, loan, crowdfunding, voting for example).
As you can see, NEM is a technology that opens the doors to many uses while remaining accessible and equipped with a programming language already widely used.