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Review on NEM by divya sharma

Revainrating 4 out of 5

NEM has built its own blockchain which is already crossed first step of success…

NEM has built its own blockchain which is already crossed first step of success.. overall its a great project having good position at top 20 in coinmarketcap. investation is great now in it becoz in future surely it will be on top to its success... amazing project


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Nem project blockchain is very great because it runs on Proof of Importance which means there are no chances of 51% attack on Nem blockchain.


  • NEM means new economy movement .it is a blockchain technology project which is made for all the bussiness enterprices to power their different infrastructures..the best feature of this is- it has one minute of average block time which is 10 times lower than bitcoin so due to that it verify more number of transaction in less time
  • standard users are also getting complicated to understand official website. also its team becomes anonymous so it doesn't have strong market arm.

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