Nowacoin is a component coin that uses a slightly different output model. Notably, the new areas marking the convention allowed us to fully implement p2pool support. The project is a market-oriented enterprise with a blockchain-enabled business that allows for higher data growth and improved revenue generation, in addition to being used as part of cash and ensuring the use of products and multiple administrations, fully electronic and secure. guarantees a free high-performance free-running issue. It also allows you to easily and directly connect your business to your own wallet and wallet, which has a large number of business people, can have different monetary standards and allows you to pay at normal market speeds, taking into account blockchain execution in the normal time frame. allows trading with a high security framework and provides encryption through interaction. In addition, there is an exchange base with the general organization that allows for skills and security, and is not difficult to make money and suitable for business activities. In addition, the work, which has undergone a misguided turn of events and is still underrepresented, hopes to improve its meaning in the market by bringing together a large number of business cases. Being essential for the advanced age drives us to utilize an electronic trade organization to complete our business tasks or to deal with our individual budgets.