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6 Review
3 Karma

Review on Qtum by Phuong Hoang

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The Qtum Foundation is a Singapore based organization advocating the use of…

The Qtum Foundation is a Singapore based organization advocating the use of Qtum Blockchain. The project started in March 2016, leading to a successful crowdsale a year later. More than 10,000 BTC and 72,000 ETH were mobilized in less than five days, making Qtum one of the largest in history with $ 15.6 million.


  • We will try to make most parameters configurable in the Enterprise version. So that the system can be easily applied to various usage scenarios. Some customizable settings are listed as follows: The genesis block: block_time, coinbase. Network parameters: pchMessageStart, seeds. Parameters for the PoA consensus algorithm: interval, timeout. Block reward parameters: initial value, nSubsidyHalvingInterval
  • I do not think of any defects.

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