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6 Review
16 Karma

Review on Qtum by taniya mirza

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Qtum is a cryptocurrency which is in a progressing stage. In the Qtum the best…

Qtum is a cryptocurrency which is in a progressing stage. In the Qtum the best thing is about the team. The team is much brilliant, and their support system is incredible. And they are trying to make their project the best cryptocurrency. And I personally think if they try their best surely they will score good rank in the crypto market.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Qtum team is aggressively working on Qtum project and planning for making secure and private blockchain ever.


  • Qtum is decentralized cryptocurrency. The Qtum team is brilliant and their support is also outstanding. Patrik dye which is the most intelligent person among crypto experts and he is also the founder of Qtum. also having good marketing.
  • Qtum has no bar on the minimum number of Qtum for staking like Ethereum is proposing a minimum of 32 ethers to participate in the staking process. So people can try to stake a very less amount and in turn try to confirm malicious transactions, which will be more profitable, with low risk because of the lesser stake. Though with less stake such people will have lesser chances to mine the next Qtum block.

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