relex is cryptocurrency project that allows the users invest in the platform and getting reasonable returns. The project supported a chance of buying and selling tokens. The trading platform is easier, faster, and easy to access. Trading fees is also an incredible aspect that made people go for this project. As time flys, relax lost it form, leaving users no choice than to withdraw their funds to avoid any form of loss. It supported some countries in the world, making very impossible for other users around the world to use. The project is not fully dead, it has a chance of becoming a better platform again, it the developers can work on the security of users, giving them the benefit of doubt that there funds will be safe for over a long period of time. It can't be used for now, the latest version of to application is not yet released in the Google play store. It was ones an easy application with allot of trading features, but it's better to be safe than to be hot. Relex is not a supportive platform for now, lest wait for it's current development