Since learning about cryptocurrencies in the year 2018, investing in crypto seems to be one of the best things I've ever done. I began my cryptocurrency investment journey by owning these coins (sometimes called hodl). As I gained more understanding of this, I learned about various investment strategies, like farming and staking. This has piqued my curiosity in every investment platforms I come across as well as in Roobee, a platform for investing in cryptocurrencies. One might start to question how I learned about this business. All credit goes to Revain for highlighting them in this new competition.
I'm going to start looking into this company right away. A cryptocurrency investing platform called Roobee has been running since 2017. I'm still astonished that I was unaware of it all these time. I recently made an account with them, and I found the process to be quite simple. Your email would be validated and a password created after you first provided your full name and gmail. The fact that an account verification is necessary in order to buy or trade on their platform seems to be the only issue I have with it.