SBank (STS), is developed as a technological project to offer services to financial platforms, blockchain and development of applications based on decentralized finance, it has developed an entire ecosystem that ensures ample security, integrates easy access tools for identity solutions, blockchain data management and financial systems, guaranteeing authorship rights and even business services. SBank, has a community governance ecosystem, ensuring that all SBank token (STS) users who belong to the community, can participate in decision-making for the development of the project, also ensures participation in the Staking system allowing users to earn passive income, It also ensures access to reliable tools such as a secure trading platform for professional trading, with intelligent technology and price predictions, as well as tools for storing finances, having a mobile application that ensures transactions at any time, storing finances, exchanging digital currencies and supports various popular currencies. SBank (STS), is the representative finance of the ecosystem, it works as a token to operate in the various decentralized markets, access the services of the platform, it is a digital asset that works properly as a payment method, facilitating the payment of products and services from online stores, likewise it is a digital asset for investment.