Currency conversion is a current necessity due to the prominent digital economy; in addition to the convenience offered by the transfer of higher denomination bills instead of large volumes of coins.
To solve these problems, an electronic equipment based on intelligent technology has been designed that allows Colombian coins of different denominations to be exchanged for bills of greater monetary value. This machinery is known as Smart Coin.
Smart Coin offers you an electronic machine where you can deposit your coins and following the simple instructions you have three options to convert your money into:
• Recharges for phones
• Make contributions to charities
• Obtain banknotes in Colombian pesos
• Other options
Smart Coin gives you the convenience to convert your coins valued in Colombian pesos into higher denomination bills, using an intelligent and secure infrastructure.
It also gives you the opportunity to make the exchange at any of the electronic points located in the most frequented places such as shopping centers and other strategically located in Colombia and its main cities.
Although the conversion service requires the payment of a fee to use the service (0.09%), it is a valuable opportunity to convert amounts of hard-to-handle coins into banknotes, help for those most in need, pay for telephone services and other services. .
Smart Coin simplifies the management of your resources and promotes humanitarian aid to those in the weakest economic situation.