Solaris (XLR): is a project that is based on offering commercial solutions that focus directly with the saving of assets, it is a project that manages to successfully combine the use of its blockchain network with market strategies and allowing to execute a high redeeming in its compartment within the market, Its platform allows to establish different types of investment that best suits the needs of users, has different trading reward packages, in general it is a system that meets the expectations of trade, has a market service with a high level of compatibility, which achieve a balance between business opportunities and electronic trading platform, It ensures a level of equality in its operations that allows a level of stable profits, with its currency you can make commercial pacts and achieve a safe market and that is supported with security protocols, and allows to execute mining protocols that are directly linked to the project that the largest possible number of rewards, is an open source project that is extremely easy to allow a wide level of negotiate and establish its currency as a secure means of payment with a savings system that is presented on a rotating basis and is ideal for establishing a general interest in small savings made by users, its market presence is rotating and aims to establish rapid progress.