TNC Coin (TNC): is a basic project that characterizes the world of training in games, with its ease in financial operations, the blockchain plays an important role as it allows the connection between the project and the financial world that surrounds it, its main objective is to cover the demand for a commercial asset in the market of players, which serves as a medium of exchange with a convertible value, its ecosystem has close connection with its investors, as it allows to give it a direct commercial use, In other words, the open source code provides a very high level of security and has an encrypted internal process, it is a decentralized project that stimulates the virtual growth of cryptocurrencies in the gaming world, Its commercial growth was medium, it took some time to go to market directly, but its roadmap has a very convincing ideals in its project, which allows it to gain confidence and ground in the general markets, its presence in the market is a little limited since it does not have a specific use and is not highly available, only those who really need it acquire it.