TokenPocket (TPT) is a multi-faceted business that supports a variety of well-developed resources, exchange exchanges, blockchain innovation, simple backups and computerized resource management, administration and development, and Dapps. TokenPocket depends on a common environment that combines credit administrations, exchanges, crypto games, mining, and in any case, using Dapps, and that the biological system works with additional customers to access these administrations with simple access, as well. portable and workstation equipment then ensures fast access, and whenever this program is created to contribute, exchange, retain, change access, and help multiple chains. TokenPocket (TPT) depends on a local computerized source for working with the environment, which works with administration purchases, is a decentralized exchange source as it is written in certain trading stages, which is a symbol of useful profits, incentives and incentives, and great value. It works from the Binance and Ethereum blockchain, which deals with exchanges and exchanges on TokenPocket (TPT) coins.