Zebi Token (ZEBI): is a project that develops one of the commercial technology with high levels of information encryption, it allows you the execution of permanent surveillance code, all information is automatically safeguarded by its cloud services, one of the main use of this project is the payment of services and membership of this platforms, it has advanced tools that will help a complete information management, one of the main point of this project focuses on the transfer of information through the safest channels possible, with a high security index, being able to generate a decentralized space and with advanced algorithms potentiating all operations, blockchain technology ensures that the information processes has a high level block system, which can move and create block of many information in just seconds, its growth as a company can end that has been a relatively supported project commercially speaking, manages regular channels in which you can acquire your currency and manage your business assets, the project developed its own information network worldwide in which accounts with all the block technology to move information from one side to another.