Ziktalk is an Ethereum project that was built with a use case of helping people from all around the world learn new languages at a cost that is 10 times lower than the normal average in our traditional settings. A better and flexible way to access the platform is through it's Android and iOS mobile applications from which I was able to run everything from wallet service to its languages learning consultation. The ease of learning a new language from Ziktalk is quite a reason why one will rather prefer this platform. With Covid-19 pandemic still on and social distance rules still applying, virtual conversation and learning process which is the backrock to how this project works makes it easy for it's users. This procedure of learning includes Telephone calls or FaceTime with the teacher. Most language tutors available are mostly Asian languages. I initially wanted to see how. The project is because I gained interest in learning Polish which unfortunately is not available. Probably due to the fact that it's yet to be widely known, I hope for more tutors to get available for some major global languages.
The project still has a lot of plans in action to add towards ensuring flexibility of the project and wide coverage of areas. This upcoming development includes it's support for Mac and Linux computers. Also its learning curve looks to be expanding into areas such as Law Consultation, Marketing advice among others. It's great for use and with the good testimonies emanating from it's Language learning students, it's provable for use.