In theory, a good phone; nevertheless, if you found yourself in such a jungle while searching for a phone, you had better know what you were getting into or you risk being severely disappointed. What I can't put in writing as a drawback, but is, is that the margins of vertical content are cut off, but the aspect ratio elements remain intact. The most important thing to keep in mind when using the camera is that it is not a professional-grade SLR, no matter how pretty the numbers are written. Since I also own a 13pro, I used it to make a direct comparison. I'm sorry, but the end result will be pleasant if you're willing to go into the fifth or sixth page of Google to get a good one, but if you want rapid images, this is for 13 pro. Most significantly, forum zealots will protect their swamp at all costs and insist that there are no downsides to their preferred online community.