I specially ordered a mechanical measuring wheel to keep it simple. I've observed battery powered gauges in the past, they seem to change readings at times, no need to fiddle with batteries. The big wheel worked for my project which was on a very uneven farm, grass, pasture.
π Calculated Industries #6575 DigiRoller Plus III 12.5 Inch Estimators Electronic Distance Measuring Wheel with Large Backlit Digital Display - Measure Feet, Inches, Meters, Yards; Includes FREE Carrying Pack
7 Review
π Zozen Measuring Wheel with Digital Display and Foldable Feet/Meter - Portable Digital Measure Wheel with Backlit Display, up to 99,999Ft/99,999M. Includes Convenient Cloth Backpack.
7 Review
Komelon ML1212 Meter Man 4 Inch Measuring
8 Review
π Komelon ML1810 Hi-Viz Yellow Measuring Wheel - 6-Inch Accuracy for Feet
8 Review
SWANSON Tool Co., Inc SW1201K Speed Square Value Pack - 7 π§ inch & Big 12 Speed Square (No Layout Bar) with Bonus Blue Book
5 Review
Swanson Tool S0101 7 Inch Square
7 Review
π Johnson Level and Tool 400EM-S 12-Inch Heavy Duty Metal Combination Square for Professionals, with Inch/Metric Measurements, Silver - 1 Square
8 Review
π Crescent EX6 2-in-1 Extendable Layout Tool - LSSP6: The Ultimate Precision Measuring Companion
3 Review