During thaws, when temperatures are above about 7 degrees, or so, the tire floats a little bit. This is an outstanding tire. It is not possible to classify this as a drawback, yet there is an effect nonetheless. In every other respects, a first-rate tire, in spite of the 2022 manufacturing. The pricing is not excessive. 10 degrees. Size 185 65 15 and used on Solaris models from the 17th model year. Finished the season with around 23,000 miles driven, wear is not excessive, and just five spikes were lost on the drive axle—three on one, and two on the other. The fact that it floats at positive temperatures is, in my opinion, the main downside. Maintains water very well, is durable, can be caught, and has two suitable pits for this time of year. Even if these tires are excellent, my opinion has not changed.