Picked this up as a stock sale thinking I wouldn't mind if there were some imperfections to save money. I have bought several used items from stock and never had a problem, good description of wear/damage. It was marked "Used - Acceptable" which would be fine. I didn't care that things were dirty. Unfortunately, the reality was different. As others have noted on new shipments, no liner was provided, just a cardboard box in an unlined plastic envelope. Needless to say, I got worried when I picked up the envelope and heard a lot of metallic ringing. As you can see from the photos all the parts were lying around in the broken inner box (this is how the box opened). The broken box wasn't a problem for me, but the parts have probably collided since it was the first new batch. As anyone who uses carbide cutting tools knows, carbide doesn't like impact, it will chip, crack and crumble. Worse, Forstner bits are all about flat, sharp-edged holes. Unfortunately, all but one or two bits had broken corners or edges, some with significant cracks, rendering them unusable or, in some cases, unsafe at high speed. I was able to get in touch with customer service who eventually refunded the order, but not after asking several times if I had read the terms of service. I said yes, but it shouldn't involve destruction. It's like buying a box of eggs and then opening them and realizing they're all cracked. Technically, the eggs are still in, but that's not entirely acceptable. So be careful when taking this from stock. Hopefully they will ship them in padded packaging as even new ones can get damaged and the extra shipping involved for a used version makes it even less likely that it will be in usable condition. The Beats themselves look like they're going to perform well. The brazing looks clean and the waves look solid. The paintwork on the undamaged areas was fine, but they were meant to be functional, not showpiece, so it was fine. It remains to be seen if I will buy again at full price. 3 star rating as the product as delivered is not to blame but the packaging they come in is quite fragile and does not protect them under normal shipping conditions so caution is advised.
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