I bought a 63A device. Received quickly, connected for verification. It was more than 80A! It doesn't take much to get him excited either. Most single-wire generators require a few turns to start generating electricity. It only gets excited at idle. Highly recommended. Thanks very much!
π‘ 57294 Powermaster Alternator
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π Powermaster 47294 Alternator: Unleash Your Vehicle's Power!
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Electrical AFD0097 3F1U 10300 AA 3F1Z 10346 AB VP3F1U 10300 AA
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π High-Performance DB Electrical SMT0219 Starter - Compatible with/Replacement for Nissan 2.5L Altima with Automatic Transmission (2002-2007) Sentra 2.5L w/AT (2002-2006) - Replaces OEM Part Numbers 23300-8J000, 23300-8J001, M1T68781, M1T68781ZC
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