These are good tips for fine work. I regret buying this pack instead of buying a fine tip. Many of them are so similar and not worth the money. Some nozzles were packaged in Weller brand bags. Others just lie loose in their parents' pockets. The free ones looked unused. I was wondering if they are actually OEM or have been used before. Decided to keep them and try them all instead of making a fuss.
Hakko T18-BR02 Soldering Tip - T18 Series for Hakko FX-888/FX-8801 - Conical Shape - Bent 30 Degrees - R0.2 mm x 10.5 mm
12 Review
Welding machine inverter type Partner for garden MMA-200, MMA
20 Review
Inverter welding machine CET CET MMA 200A, MMA
23 Review
309LFC-O X .035 X 1LB Spool Gasless Stainless Steel Flux Core Welding Wire by Blue Demon
12 Review