I bought a Feathered Friends Flicker UL 20 degree down comforter for camping. Didn't realize it came with its own cloth bag until I ordered it. I actually tried to cancel this order but I'm glad I couldn't because this tote bag is so much better. The material is strong but almost as thin as rice paper. I have no doubts that the sleeping bag will stay dry if I ever get caught in the rain while hiking or camping by the river. If you're counting the ounces then these bags are what you need.
Maddogยฎ Sports Padded Chest Protector, Tactical Half Glove, & Neck Protector Combo Package
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TAC9ER Kevlar Lined Tactical Gloves: Full Hand Protection, Cut & Temperature Resistant, Touchscreen Friendly For Men & Women
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MetalTac Airsoft Speed Loader With Capacity Of 100 Bbs
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