A couple of weeks ago I purchased an iplate T24 for home brewing. The process is completed, about 50 liters of mash have been distilled. Impressions are as follows. To optimize the distillation process, a more or less smooth power step was needed. To solve the problem, some either move the tank away from the center, or use LATR. It is unsafe to move to the side, stability decreases, and a good LATR costs more than a plate, and it takes up space. In my case, a power step of at least 200 watts is very desirable. iplate T24 found an acceptable power control (power step: 200->400->600->800->1000->1200->1400->1600->1800-> 2022 watts). Very pleased with the 24 hour timer Well, the last work surface, of course, is very aesthetic and can withstand a lot of weight, which is very important for home brewing. Before that, I used another induction but the case turned out to be very weak, the iplate T24 is much stronger. Very pleased with the plate.