The ability to track applicants throughout their application process, as well as providing feedback via surveys after they are hired! I wish there was more customization in selecting which questions you want answered during initial interviews vs follow-up phone screens/interviews etc (if asked). Also would be nice if your candidate had access right away so we could start setting up alerts for future candidates who may need additional resources from our team with regard towards onboarding them into the organization effectively - this has been something that's taken too long lately when trying to set things like first day of work expectations at companies where it isn't required by law yet but should really happen sooner rather than later!! The ability to keep track of my applications, and also see what I had applied for in previous years. Sometimes it was difficult to find information that you were looking for. It would be helpful if there could be more options like filtering by job type, location, etc. A great tool! This helps me stay organized with all my application info. Also being able to search through past jobs makes it easier to apply to new ones.