In general, the purchase is satisfied Some pros: Good helmet, value for money. I bought it for myself for training, I am satisfied with the purchase, for a beginner the very thing for that kind of money. Many write add N-sum and take such a model, but with a limited budget you get good protection. Different cons: - Previously, I measured exactly the same helmet, but it had already been in operation, the lining had already been dented. It was convenient. This helmet came, began to actively use it, while it squeezes hard and leaves marks on the face from the lining (even with a balaclava) - The price has changed a lot, for 6000r ideal, for 10000 tolerable (for such an amount I took), the last time I saw them for 16000 is already overkill, it is worth considering another option - The lining is not removable and looks very cheap, you can not wash it, I strongly recommend using a balaclava
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