This product is difficult to review. Overall it works pretty well, but it's definitely very cheaply made. I don't like the paper guide at all, it's so far back that you can touch the paper by the guide, it already has holes in it. There are clearly design issues. But I have to say that he has done his job so far. The only other complaint I have is that the holes appear smaller than other manual hole punches I've used, making it a bit difficult to get the paper into the binder. Right now it's better than filling out 80 tax returns manually, and that was my goal. It's so cheap that I hope it survives those 80 returns. I went through about 5 really thick returns (200 pages each) and it's hanging there. I'd say it's worth the money, I just hope it lasts. You get what you pay for and for the price. So far this product is pretty good.