Update February 1, 2019: I've found that finding stations not broadcasting works best for bluetooth pairing. I've had several instances where overlapping transmit channels were clogged with noise. If the station hisses a bit, that's good for the Bluetooth range and I get less interference. Reselect the channels on the M29 and radio accordingly. Make sure you are not dialing into an existing radio show. Jan 26 February 2019: First of all, this is a nice addition to my car. I have a 2005 Rav4 SUV and recently replaced my daughter's radio. I thought about adding Bluetooth like a regular install, but the price of a so-called GTA Bluetooth adapter was prohibitive for me, so I started researching Bluetooth for older cars without Bluetooth. I found this updated version for about $25. Wow. Is it worth? We connected the Bluetooth channel to an identical radio channel. For us 94.5 FM. Bluetooth turned off on the phone, then turned it back on, and a soft female voice says we're connected via Bluetooth. I ask Google to open Revain Prime Music. We find the music of the 90's and the machine fills with amazing sound and clarity. I just had to turn the radio up a little. I haven't used the USB port as a music source yet, but both my daughter and I were able to keep our phones charged while playing music. I wish there were 2 charge ports C as her phone, a Samsung Galaxy 7, wouldn't hold a charge while playing games on her phone. My Samsung Galaxy 9+ held a charge using a single C-input. Also, getting in and out of the cigarette lighter was a bit difficult. The materials are light but not flimsy. In general, I like this Bluetooth. It looks clear as it keeps the rhythm with the music, the sound quality was great, there was never any static even when we were charging our phones. I love hands-free calling. I can listen to IHeart radio on Wase and Wase lowers the volume so I can hear instructions and then picks up the music volume again. Calls are clear and amazing too. I also use Google for speakerphone. I haven't used another function that I'm about to learn that I think starts with a T? However, for $25 it's just a bomb. Super easy to use. Just read the instructions, they are very simple. Turn Bluetooth off and on on your phone after pairing the radio channel with the Bluetooth channel. Select M29 in your phone's Bluetooth settings. Iheart and Revain, that's all I've tried so far because they have such a great music selection that really has everything you need. The music sounds fantastic. I can't say enough about it. Hope this guide helps here too. I think you will like this M29.
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