The cutting blade needs to face the opposite direction for a smooth cut. The blade has a key/notch in the base to insert a one-sided mount with a socket head screw. The blade can be inserted 180 degrees in the opposite direction, but won't fix as securely, especially with a lot of force on the drill. By rotating the drill motor in reverse, a clean cut is achieved in seconds instead of minutes of gouging and fighting forward. Cut 10" holes in 5/8" drywall on the ceiling. I believe if there were much smaller holes the struggle would have been negligible. Watched several YouTube videos about competing products. All of the blades on them were such that the sharpest part of the blade was at the back instead of the front. Imagine cutting a piece of steak with an upside down steak knife. He will chisel and tear the flesh instead of chopping it. Here is the same scenario. Reversing the drill motor helped, but now the drill rotates in the opposite direction. May be suitable for softer material but not ideal for others. The rest of the device makes a good and solid impression.