This beautiful backpack is ideal for transporting things to work, when traveling and for outdoor activities. I was looking for a backpack that was small and thin enough to use as a personal item on international trips, as well as for work or as an everyday backpack. That's great. This bag fits a padded jacket, snacks, water bottle, 15" gaming laptop, 11" iPad Pro, keys, wallet and passport. At this moment it seems to be maximum. I could probably stuff in a snack or two, headphones and chargers, but that's about it. But it's perfect for what I need and should be small enough for some of the more restrictive airlines. I feel comfortable I can put my lunch and work essentials in this bag. The fit is fantastic, it hugs your back well and is very smooth. The straps are very comfortable. They are thin and not suitable for a really heavy load, but it will be difficult to make the bag too heavy. I would also feel comfortable with it when mountain biking. It will be a great everyday backpack. You could probably use this for college if you basically just bring your laptop or iPad to class. Although it will probably not be enough for a high school student. Also, the water bottle in the photo is probably as big as you can afford. You really have to put it in your pocket for it to fit. It's only a 20 ounce bottle. But overall it's the perfect backpack, commute and travel bag.
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