The Canal Furniture store website is one of the oldest stores in the United States in the field of decoration and home appliances. But looking at the categories on this website, I was a little disappointed. According to Whois, the domain of this website, the website has been launched for about 13 years and the main store (face-to-face branch) has been established based on the copyright mentioned in the footer of the website since 1986 (screenshots at the bottom of the review). But I checked several categories and no products were added to them. It seems that the number of products on the website is very small and if someone wants to buy home decoration online, there are definitely more online shops that have more variety of products and there are more options to choose from. Even on the website homepage there are only 5 products and this is really weird.
Of course, apart from the small number of products, the collections of this store are attractive, and if you want to buy a complete set of decoration accessories, it is recommended that you visit this online store once.