This socket has a power switch to turn it on and off. Now this might not make much of a difference depending on your application, but even when it's off it's still drawing around 1-2mA. It charges fast, my device used almost 2 amps while charging which is equivalent to fast charging if your device supports it. But the voltmeter is something that needs a lot of improvement! I'm not an electronics expert so I'm not sure why this is happening, but when powered from the USB ports the voltage drops! And the more current you draw, the more it drops. Well let me be clear. I know very well that more current equals voltage drop. but this meter showed an inaccurate voltage drop! When I drew 3 amps while charging, the built in voltmeter showed 9.8 volts and 3 other meters showed 12.5 volts when that 3 amps were applied. As the charge on the devices increased and the current began to drop, the voltage on the built-in meter steadily increased. So the conclusion is that the voltmeter is accurate enough only with no load!
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