Ordered to renew the seal for the kitchen sink and a washbasin. Works great - even roll and lays down well. I taped the untaped area but spread a little under the tape - my mistake. Used a scraper knife to scrape it off until it was completely dry. I learned long ago to trim the tip with a box cutter rather than the caulking gun in the built in cutter - this always results in a wider bead than I intended. Although the product says it's ready for water. after 30 minutes - it will take several hours to dry completely. in the first hour still gently and gently correct mistakes and plug gaps. This is anything but transparent/comprehensible. It starts off greyish when first applied and becomes somewhat translucent as it dries overnight. Does a good sealing job and doesn't stand out like its bright white version - good enough for me. I am happy with the purchase and will order again!