I think most people who wrote positive reviews didn't get the 1/4" bit and tried using it with a drill press. It seems to me that this bit is not for a drill. See how thick the edge is - when it wears down you sink because there is too much surface area to cut anything. That happened to me. Thinner, I think it would be better. After about 20 holes, each hole took 10 minutes and the glass started cracking. Not sure if this is the best solution - maybe cheap disposable bits are just better as they inevitably wear out. This one was fine for drilling perfect holes for the first half of its life, but as it got worse I started to wonder why it lasted so long and broke at the very end. That's because I didn't realize how much more pressure I needed to apply and it wasn't until I compared it to a cheap drill that I realized, wow, it takes a lot longer to drill. A cheap drill drilled through the same material in less than a minute.
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