Received as a gift. My joy knows no bounds with this machine. It has been used for a week already and there are no complaints from this beast. By trial and error, which can be avoided by reading the instructions, it was found that at a heating level of 5, the toast is perfect. The control is convenient, the combinatorics of push-buttons (various functionality from heating, warming up to defrosting) and mechanical (starting the device). The design is stylish. In terms of dimensions, you must immediately understand that the device is not small, but not a bulky unit in the kitchen. He copes with the assigned tasks with a bang! I definitely recommend.
GOBAM Wood Rolling Pin: The Perfect Dough Roller For Baking Cookies, Pie, Pizza & More - 13 X 1.38 Inches
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2-Pack European Grade Silicone Bunte Cake Pan Set - Non Stick Bakeware Fluted Tube Mold For Jello, Gelatin & Cakes | 9 Inch Baking Pans | Aokinle | BPA Free
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PME Scriber Needle Modelling Tool, For Cake Decorating, 5.7-Inch
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300PCS Pre-Cut Unbleached Parchment Paper Sheets - Perfect For Baking, Grilling, Air Fryer & Steaming!
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